Daughters of Rissah Court No. 80 "All In A Day's Work"

A double shift work day for community service was pulled off on April 17, 2021, by the Daughters of Rissah Court No. 80. Their morning started out by cleaning up their adopted section of Highway 18 in Jackson Mississippi. Over 12 years they have taken pride in maintaining the appearance of this 2-mile section of highway 4 times a year and reporting to the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT). Roadside litter pickup and bagging are a small part of their mission, but they do it with big hearts. As a result, without the efforts of organizations that volunteered their time and services, the annual costs for counties and for the state could double or triple.
On the same day, they distributed approximately 75 bags of personal items and snack bags to the homeless in Pittman Park (Poindexter Park) Jackson, MS. Items donated included washcloths, soap, deodorant, socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, lotion, a loaf of bread, sandwich meat, and chips. By volunteering, the Daughters of Rissah Court #80 gave more than bags of food and supplies to the homeless, they brought hope, love, and compassion.

H.P.I.P. H. Coffiel PP #235 Past Imperial Deputy of the Desert Of Mississippi
Outstanding ,Daughters of Rissah Court #80 always going above and beyond in your community. Job well done.